Make a determined effort to collect and present credible testimonials, they are an essential selling tool. And if appropriate to your product, more detailed case studies of how your product solved your customer's problem.
A case study follows the same format as your own sales pitch, but uses your customer's own words as a more credible and trustable source of the information.
If you don't have any customers yet, use an illustrative scenario.
Example: This is Bob, Bob loves listening to jazz as he commutes on the NY subway every day, but Bob didn't have enough pockets to carry around his cassette collection, so he tried the new iPod and he loves how...
Example: (It also helps to visually show your customer's peers.) The iPod TV and outdoor ad campaigns featured a wide variety of customer types, enjoying different music genres (pop, dance, jazz, classical) demonstrating visually that whatever your musical tastes, other people just like you also enjoyed their music through iPods.