About Paul Montreal OLD

A hat tip to our creative roots.

What is this place, what can I find here?

We’re an optimistic publication for Entrepreneurs. Focused on Internet marketing. And the motivation and mindset it takes to create value in the world.

Interviews to help you get unstuck.

You’ll find interviews that go deeper than usual. We hunt for meaningful stories from the lives of people we admire. Stories of challenge, struggle and resolution. Stories that help you to get unstuck and take action when it really counts.

“Love what you guys are doing… it feels different, much more personal and substantive than other things I’m reading online.” Laura Roeder.

Low stress lessons to turnaround your website.

If you’ve got a website and a dream, but you’re not getting the results you expected, I’ll help you get back on track.

Turnaround Tuesday is our website makeover clinic. It’s focused on marketing. As in, making you money. Not just looking pretty. It’s open to everyone. And once a month it’s free.

We’ve shunned dry theory and abstract strategies in favour of real life case studies. Follow along as we show you exactly how to turn around a broken website every month.

You can apply for a free website makeover yourself here.

Who’s running things?


Me, Paul Montreal. I’ve been a marketing director and consultant for 20 years. Helping Entrepreneurs turnaround their websites. I also used to run Subvert Magazine, showing creatives how to make a living doing the work they love. You can find me on Twitter here.

My greatest tool for helping people is marketing. Marketing isn’t about advertising. Marketing is about people and how they see the world. It’s about you and your customers.

Marketing is building a bridge between what you’re passionate about and what somebody else really values.

What do you stand for? What are your values?

  • I believe in Entrepreneurs.
  • I believe you can change your situation.
  • I believe in personal growth.
  • I believe in today.

Your drive is your most precious resource.

I believe in you. The Entrepreneur. The individual leading the pack. Taking the risks. Facing the odds. On a journey, to become a self-made man, or a self-made woman. I believe in your guts, your grit. But most of all your drive. It’s the most precious commodity you own.

You can turn things around.

I believe you can change your situation. No Entrepreneur steers a straight ship. Any sea worth sailing has its currents, monsters, winds and rocky shores. But each day is a fresh opportunity. To take the rudder. Correct your course. And turn things around.

You can learn everything you need.

I believe in personal growth. Poor schooling kills our confidence. But we’re wired for learning. If you can see, you can copy. If you can copy, you can learn. So leave behind limiting ideas about talent. Step forward into the world of skill-sets and mastery.

You can be successful now.

I believe in today. It’s especially easy for Entrepreneurs to get depressed about past mistakes. Or, become stressed about future outcomes. But all we ever really have is now. Today. There’s freedom to be found right here in the trenches. Happiness, growth, self expression. Living our lives as we go.

This is a magical time.

It blows my mind how quickly technology has developed in the last 20 years. For those who are willing to embrace that entrepreneurial spirit, the technology available to us is close to magical. We can literally reach the world and build a global audience. Bypassing every local, physical boundary that used to exist.

What they means is, we don’t need to try to change people minds any more. We don’t need to brainwash people with advertising. Or manipulate them with pressure. We can reach out and connect with people who already see the world as we see it.

We have access to more people, knowledge and resources than any human being in the history of our planet. Right now, right at our fingertips, mostly for free.

But the tech won’t do it all for us.

We’ve got to want to succeed. I love this quote by Steve Jobs…

Most people never pick up the phone and call, most people ever ask. And sometimes that’s what separates the people who do things from the people who just dream about them. You’ve got to pick up the phone, you’ve got to act. And you’ve got to be willing to fail, you’ve got to be willing to crash and burn. With people on the phone, with starting a company, with whatever. If you’re afraid of failing you won’t get very far.

What do regular folk think about this place?

Now and then I run online programs. Here’s a little feedback from some of my former students…

Craig Watkins“Out of the first four people I approached using your methods, I am now doing work for three of them!” Craig Watkins. USA.

Meghan“I probably saved myself 5 years costly trial and error” Meghan Geliza. Auckland New Zealand.

Sarah“Paul introduced me to whole new aspects of building & maintaining a successful business. Aspects that hardly anyone ever mentions…You’re in the hands of people that honestly & truthfully love what they do.” Sarah Palisi. Hamburg Germany.

Monique“That hands-on push is invaluable. It’s nice to have positive feedback from friends and associates. It’s rare to have the chance to get the honest, critical, thoughtful and informed variety.” Monique Larson, USA.

JJ.“You helped me to realize what is most important to me – what I REALLY want – and focus my energies like a lazer beam.” JJ Harrison. USA.

Christine“Paul helps those of us who are ambitious but may not be as naturally business minded to become aware of the many ways we can take our careers into our own hands.” Christine Buijs, Canada.

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Interviews I Love…

Seth Godin – Full Stop Failure.
Laura Roeder’s Million Dollar Business.
Mark Cuban, Billionaire. (Scared, Broke And Jobless)
Overcoming Obstacles And Facing Your Fears With Incubus Frontman Brandon Boyd.
Linkin Park’s Mike Shinoda On Dealing With Brutal Criticism & Fighting Tooth And Nail For Your Vision