Your story

Hero and mentor
Part of our legacy, our stories are.

Thank you so much for your time and generosity, I know how busy you are and I appreciate it!

The goal: We are looking to share a meaningful story from your life. A story of challenge, struggle and resolution.

Through stories like this our readers are able to find deep meaning. This meaning helps them to get unstuck and take action in their own lives.

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FAQs On Telling Your Story

  • Everyone I’ve ever interviewed has a meaningful story to tell. Especially those who are brave enough to challenge themselves to live a successful life. This is the medium for you to share that story. For it to stand as a valuable guide to others for years to come. Our audience really appreciates more depth and honesty than usual.

  • This isn’t a writing exercise. Don’t worry about the writing side of it at all. I can rearrange and edit your answers to flow smoothy, if necessary.

  • Some people find it easier to write their story directly to me in an email, as they would to a friend or protege.

  • If you’re really, really not a writer, feel free to tell your story direct to audio or video and send me the file. I will transcribe it.

  • There is no required length for this piece. Each story has its own natural length.


There are only 3 questions. It often helps to let them sink in for a day or two. If you’re a little apprehensive to share your story, that’s a sure sign it’s a story worth telling. We aren’t here to write fluff, we’re here to touch people on a deep level, to change lives. Let it flow…

Q1) What was the biggest challenge you’ve faced on your journey so far? Set the scene.

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Q1 Guide Notes:

  • Set the scene first: Where were you before you faced your biggest challenge – physically, mentally, how old where you, how much or little experience did you have at this point, what beliefs did you hold at the time?

  • Where did your challenge or obstacle come from? Was it forced upon you, or did it come from inside? Was it caused by a lack of experience, a change in the times or culture, pressure from others, family, friends, the marketplace?

  • Describe the challenge in terms of how it effected you? How did you feel emotionally, physically, practically? What beliefs or relationships did it make you question? Describe your fear in the face of the challenge, did you lose hope?

  • Did you embrace the challenge right away or ignore it for a while. Did it appear quickly or grow over time? Did it get worse when you ignored it? What made you choose to face your challenge and not runaway from it?


Q2) Tell us about the struggle you underwent.

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Q2 Guide notes:

  • How did you start overcoming your challenge? Where did the new ways of thinking and acting come from? Did you find a mentor, if so, how? Did you find a new resource to help guide you? Did you change location? What changed to allow you to fight the challenge?

  • Why was this change a struggle, what made it hard? What did you have to leave behind to move forwards?

  • How did you feel emotionally and physically when you were out of your comfort zone, in new surroundings dealing with a challenge you had never faced before?

  • What was the darkest day of your journey, when you were stuck mentally and physically and you wanted to give up?

  • How long did you struggle with the challenge, how many hurdles did you have to leap, was it a short process or a long arduous one?

  • What gave you the hope to stick with the struggle, to stay the course?


Q3) How did you finally win the battle and what did you learn?

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Q3 Guide notes:

  • What new truth did you come to terms with to start your way out of this challenging period? This may be an unconventional truth.

  • How did this change how you saw the world, felt and acted? What do you know now that allows you to act differently in the future? What or who will you never return to, or rely on again?

  • Is it possible to pass on what you learned to others in similar circumstances or must they face the challenge themselves?

  • What wisdom can you share to make the path easier for those heading in the same direction, what can you tell them to help them take action sooner rather than later?


How can we help promote you?

What links would you like us to include with your story? We’ll include up to 3 links. Social media, your website, a free product download, your book etc.


That’s it.

Don’t hesitate to contact me for feedback at any stage. I am on your side. And I’m here to respect your work and your journey.

Email your answers to me at (paul AT turnaroundmagazine DOT com)

Paul Montreal.