In This Section: Building the core of any website, your sales pitch.
If you complete this section you’ll have everything you need to persuade your customers that you have something of value that they really need. In any business, selling is the ultimate skill. Many fear that to be able to sell you need to have “the gift of the gab” a silver tongue or talent, charisma or natural ability. Either that, or skill as a copywriter.
Neither could be further from the truth. There are simple patterns that rule what makes us want products and services in the first place. People act in pretty predictable patterns. And we all want pretty much the same things out of life.
In this section we’re going to work through a sales pitch, or persuasive sales conversation from beginning to end, one simple step at a time. And then we’re going to edit it. It requires no special talent or skill. Just follow along and answer the question in each exercise.
Your website might be selling one big idea. Or you might be selling hundreds of products. The higher the value of the product you’re selling, the more persuasive you’ll have to be and the more detail you should include in answering each question.
Either way, use this process to describe just ONE product or service at a time.
The end result will be a sales pitch, in the form of a sales letter. It could be 20 lines long. Or it could be 200 lines long. Depending on the product and how persuasive you need to be. Once you have this sales pitch, you can present it in any number of ways. As a sales letter. Or as a script, which you turn into a video. Or, you may break the sales letter up into smaller chunks which you send to your customers via email. You could even use the sales letter as your inspiration to create a whole series of persuasive blog posts to sell the benefits of your product from every angle.
At the end of this process, you’ll have a highly reliable skill and template for persuading anyone to value what ever it is you’re selling. And you can use it over and over, with increasing speed and skill.
Putting It Into Action: Create an index in your one page canvas now.
In the last lesson you should have created a one page HTML website or Page that is going to serve as the base for the lessons you’re going to learn in this program. If you haven’t done that step, do it now.
When you have your one page, copy and paste the following list of section headers. This is going to form the structure of your sales pitch. We’ll be working on each section one at a time.
Copy this onto your own page now…
Set The Scene
What’s the problem?
How could it get worse?
Why hasn’t it been solved already?
How could things be better?
What’s your legend?
Bring Out The Benefits
Your Solution: What’s the new idea?
Have you turned features into benefits?
Have you uncovered the hidden emotional value?
Have you defined a position in the marketplace?
Seal The Deal
Prove it. What do others say about you?
Have you educated with a free sample?
Have you positioned your pricing?
Have you crafted a good offer?
Have you created a reason to act now?
Can you lower their risk?